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Program Ad Sales

Support the Vero Beach Theatre Guild by purchasing an ad for our playbill!

All ads will be included in every mainstage program printed in our 24-25 season.

Program Ad Details

¼ Page Ad ($250) (Dimensions 5” W x 2” H)
½ Page Ad ($500) (Dimensions: 5” W x 4” H)
Full Page Ad ($750) (Dimensions: 5” W x 8” H)

Premium Ads
Full Page Inside Front Cover ($1,000) (Dimensions 5" W x 8" H)
Full Page Inside Back Cover ($1,000) (Dimensions 5" W x 8" H)
Full Page Outside Back Cover ($1,000) (Dimensions 5" W x 8" H)

Your advertisement will be printed in our 24-25 mainstage season playbills as well as displayed in full color digitally on our pre-show/intermission slideshow.

Submit artwork in a picture format (png, pdf, tiff, jpg, etc.) by email as a separate attachment to

Ads can be purchased below:

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